The Kingslodge Inn supports SoSAD dogs

Supported by our parent company, The Inn Collection Group, we donated dog food, funds towards vets’ bills and £100 worth of vouchers for SoSAD to use with us or one of our sister inns.

Mole Valley Farmers also joined us in donating dog food to the charity which is committed to re-homing all our stray and rescue dogs who are homeless through no fault of their own, through family circumstances, owner’s ill health, bereavement, being abandoned or abused, or just that their owners don’t want them anymore.

General manager Leanne Jeffrey said: “We are so glad to be able to support the incredible work of SoSAD at Deerness Kennels. They do such an amazing job taking in abandoned, abused and unwanted dogs and providing them with a safe haven until a new home can be found for them.”

“The Kingslodge pride itself on being somewhere that goes above and beyond being simply dog friendly as a venue. If we can help make a difference to the lives of dogs that are less fortunate than those who bounce into our inn with their owners, it is absolutely worth doing. We look forward to supporting SoSAD in the future and hope to welcome in their rehomed dogs with their tails wagging, along with their proud new owners.”

Chair of SoSAD Simon Donnolly said: “I would like to say a big thank you to The Kingslodge Inn. I have been moved as chairperson by how generous businesses like The Kingslodge Inn are and to find out there are so many dog-lovers in so many different organisations.”

“The Kingslodge Inn donations are going to be so so useful. We have around 15 – 20 dogs in at time who may take a while to be rehomed. The dog food that has been donated is fantastic and will make a real, real difference as is the money towards expensive vets’ bills.”

“The vouchers will be great to raffle and also to reward our dedicated volunteers who do the heavy lifting here at the centre.”

Simon added: “I do want to really make a meal of this, but I’m sure you’d really enjoy having a meal at The Kingslodge Inn more – we look forward to going in there soon!”

To find out more about SoSAD or to make a donation go to