Yarm Wolves join to welcome Ultra 7 in 7 fundraisers to The King’s Head Inn

Grassroots rugby league club Yarm Wolves helped The Inn Collection Group welcome Kevin Sinfield to The King’s Head Inn at Newton under Roseberry on Wednesday evening, at end of day four of the Ultra 7 in 7 Challenge.

Players and coaches from across the club’s age grades assembled to form a guard of honour as Sinfield checked in to his overnight stop at the picturesque Inn following another 40-mile run from Chester Le Street to Stokesley.

As a Leeds Rhinos legend, it was an appropriate welcome for Sinfield who is undertaking the mammoth challenge to raise awareness and much-needed donations in aid of research into motor neuron disease.

The Ultra 7 in 7 challenge is the latest feat of physical endurance to be undertaken by the current Leicester Tigers defence coach, in support of close friend and former Rhinos team-mate Rob Burrow. Scottish rugby union international Doddie Weir and Liverpool footballer Stephen Darby, along with all living with MND.

The closest community rugby league club to The King’s Head Inn, the invite to Yarm Wolves allowed the club’s youngsters to meet one of the biggest stars of their sport and show their support as the Ultra 7 in 7 enters its second half.

Newcastle based The Inn Collection Group provided rooms and dinner to Sinfield and the team undertaking the challenge at the Inn located directly beneath Roseberry Topping, allowing them to refresh themselves after another gruelling day on the road.

The pub with rooms operator has also donated £777.77 towards Sinfield’s fundraising goal of £777,777 for the challenge, with almost two-thirds of the total now reached

Following on from their stay, day five of the challenge sees an early start from the North Riding FA in Stokesley, before finishing in York.

Sean Donkin, managing director of The Inn Collection Group said: “Kevin is an inspiration and his efforts to raise awareness and funding for causes leading research into MND, in support of his great friend Rob Burrow are simply astounding.

“When it became apparent that we could help by providing accommodation for the overnight stop after day four, we had no hesitancy in making rooms available and show our support to the runners and those they are striving to help.  

“It was great to welcome them to The King’s Head Inn and we’re willing them on to successfully complete both the physical challenge and hitting their fundraising goals.  We’re behind them every step of the way.”

Phil Shaw of Yarm Wolves said: “We’re delighted to have been able to come down and welcome Kevin and the team to The King’s Head Inn.  It’s great that the kids have had the opportunity to meet him whilst taking on the challenge so thanks to The Inn Collection Group for extending the invite.

Speaking to therhinos.co.uk Sinfield said: “Undoubtedly this will be the toughest challenge yet. We have tried to combine elements of our two previous events to create the Ultra 7 in 7.

“People living with MND have no choice but to live with their condition every day and they are an inspiration for all of us taking part in the challenge. There has been some exciting news in recent days about current drug trials and we can all feel that a breakthrough is close.

“MND is not incurable, it has just been underfunded, and I have the belief that by raising funds we can give the scientists and researchers the best possible opportunity to find that cure. We also need to help those living with MND, to give them hope and love so they know we are with them.”

Donations in support of the Ultra 7 in 7 can be made by clicking here.